Lessons Learned From Dad

My dad is one of my favorite humans. It's safe to say that this has been true my entire life. Is he perfect? No. But then again who is? This is probably the most important lesson my dad ever taught me.

What other lessons did he teach me? Well, taught me the best of men take the time to play with their children. He gave me a love for music and taught me how to dance. Our best dancing was done in the middle of our living room. He gave me a love for sports. What sport do I love most? The answer might surprise you. Baseball! My dad also taught me how to throw a spiral football and I can do so with both my right and left hand. There are no healthy addictions, even exercise. Be able to recognize when something is taking too much time away from your family. Time is something you can't get back.

I will leave you with my two favorite lessons my dad taught me. I'm never too old to learn new lessons in life and I'm never too old to turn to him if I need him.

Happy Father's Day Pop

Rene Seigrist